Featured Member: Sherry Nigro, Manager of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Ottawa Public Health
Why are the 5 Numbers important to me?
Firstly they motivate me. They tell me there are children in Ottawa who face disadvantage and challenge. Children who, even as they enter school, are behind their peers socially and may be at risk for developing problem behaviours. Children who are missing the chance to develop life skills and healthy habits because they spend hours watching TV or on the computer. They are missing outdoor play, the chance to develop new friendships and the opportunity to build a sense of connectedness with their neighbourhood. They are children who are feeling anxious, sad and lonely. We know that children who face these inequities are more likely to have poorer health and reduced well-being. This motivates me to work with other like-minded agencies to address these inequities, the social determinants of health.

The 5 Numbers remind me of why I chose public health nursing as my vocation. And they remind me that being a parent is the most important job any of us will ever have. But probably the most difficult as it truly is 24/7.
And the 5 Numbers inspire me. Because behind each of the 206,000 children and youth in Ottawa are individuals who each are brimming with potential, hungry to learn and ready to take their place in society. Behind each of the 5 Numbers is an unique, and oh-so-special child.

Submitted by/De la part de:
A member of the Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative/
Membre de l'Initiative pour les enfants et les jeunes d'Ottawa