Our Structure

The Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative is made up of key players with representation from children and family services and sectors, who all agree to share responsibility, resources, and accountability.


The Initiative strives to achieve shared goals that no single entity can accomplish on its own, including in policy, system and, practice changes.


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The Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative is comprised of:

OCYI Membership:

Membership to the OCYI network is open to all those that agree with our mandate and strategic priorities. Members of the Steering Committee and task groups are individuals and representatives from community organizations and networks who work with children, youth and their families and share the vision, mission and values of the OCYI.

  • OCYI has one category of membership: organizational partner
  • These organizational partners are a cross-representation of diverse organizations serving Ottawa
  • Individuals sitting on the Steering Committee and/or the task groups are representatives of their organization
  • Individuals are not members of OCYI although individuals not representing a member organization may participate in OCYI events, use developed materials/resources freely shared with the public, or be on the email list. Individuals may join a task group; individuals are ineligible to be a task group chair or join the Steering Committee.


Roles and Responsibilities:

Active and regular participation by member organizations is essential for the success of the collective work of OCYI.

  • Members identify representatives to join one or more OCYI task group as their organization’s work and goals match the work plans of the task groups
  • Members are strongly encouraged to remember the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion in addition to programmatic needs and roles when selecting who to represent them on task groups or if invited to the Steering Committee
  • Delegates may be named to participate in OCYI tables to ensure continuity without affecting member’s status if typical member is unavailable for a meeting
  • To best share materials, internally and externally, OCYI and its members will regularly share resources, events, training opportunities, and programs that benefit the Ottawa community
OCYI Membership Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI Membership Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI Membership Terms of Reference 2023.
Adobe Acrobat Document 205.7 KB

Steering Committee:

Steering Committee Purpose

The Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative Steering Committee’s purpose is to provides leadership, vision, and strategic direction to the overall work of the collaborative.


Steering Committee Objective

The OCYI Steering Committee works as a collective for organizations supporting the infants, children, and youth in Ottawa. Building upon resources and capacities that exist in our community as well as identifying how gaps can be filled to best respond to the ever-changing and ever-growing needs are a primary objective of the Steering Committee.

OCYI Steering Committee Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI Steering Committee Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI SC Terms of Reference 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 216.3 KB

Task Groups:

Task Groups Purpose

The OCYI Task Groups’ purpose is to lead and carry out the work of OCYI in alignment with OCYI’s overall vision and strategic direction, with an emphasis on a more specific focus of supporting children and youth.

Task Groups Objective

The OCYI Task Groups work as a collective for organizations supporting the children, youth and their families in Ottawa. Building upon resources and capacities that exist in our community as well as identifying how gaps can be filled to best respond to the ever-changing and ever-growing needs are a shared objective of each task group. Each individual task group has a specific objective for their specific focus.


OCYI is currently comprised of 5 Task Groups:

1. Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) Education and Awareness Task Group

The IECMH Education and Awareness Task Group was developed to raise awareness about the importance of and to promote and protect infant and early childhood mental health.


2. Early Childhood Development Task Group

The Early Childhood Development Task Group aims to support all young children (0-6 yrs) and their families through a collective community approach


3. Critical Hours Task Group

The Critical Hours Task Group aspires to support critical hours programs and homework clubs to foster academic, social and emotional outcomes for children and youth.


4. Ottawa Collaborative for Parenting Support Task Group

The Ottawa Collaborative for Parenting Support Task Group is a community of partners working together to build resilient families that can support their children’s healthy development, feel empowered, and are able to cope with the ups and downs of everyday living.


5. Research & Evaluation Task Group

The Research and Evaluation Task Group supports the work of the Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative and its sub-committees, and ensure appropriate methods are used for quality research, evaluation and surveillance.

OCYI Task Group Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI Task Group Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI TG Terms of Reference 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 211.5 KB

The OCYI Project Manager

The role of the project manager is to perform secretariat duties including securing approval of deliverables from the OCYI Steering Committee as well as organize and manage OCYI activities. The project manager also coordinates meetings, resources and information. To contact the project manager, email info@growingupgreat.ca.

OCYI Communications Specialist

The Communication Specialist is responsible for creating communications content on behalf of OCYI. Including but not limited to reports, press releases, social media posts and website content. The OCYI Communications Specialist position is a part-time position funded by CHEO.