Practice Change Champions

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Through Practice Change Champions, we are aiming to influence practice and organizational change to include attachment and early childhood mental health in community programs and services. Information about upcoming sessions can be found lower on this page. The sessions typically include a facilitator leading a presentation, with breakout rooms for smaller groups to discuss the learning with peers. All participants are encouraged to actively participate in the breakout room conversation to learn together. A list of past and upcoming sessions is below.


The goal of the sessions is to increase knowledge in:

  • Child development and brain development
  • Attachment and temperament
  • Risk factors for insecure attachment
  • Impact of trauma and parent mental health
  • Common behaviors and resilience practices
  • Understanding and Supporting children/families with challenging behaviours
  • Effective role modeling –being and teaching to be a role model

What is a Practice Change Champion and who should become one?

  • A Practice Change Champion is a community-based professional who works with young children and/or their families who promotes attachment and early childhood mental health.
  • Those who participated in Practice Change Champions previously are encouraged to participate as well as those new participants.

How can I get started?

  • Sign up for the Practice Change Champions email list at this link
  • Download the Resources Handout to find recommended trainings to support infant and early childhood mental health in your work
  • Download the IECMH Task Group tip sheets, found here and here
  • Register for an upcoming session (details below)


Detailed calendar and registration links will be available in the month prior to session. Resources and materials from prior sessions available on "Practice Change Champions Resources" page. For questions, email


Sessions will return fall 2024.

  • Wednesday, November 13, 7 pm: Supporting the Child-Parent Attachment Relationship in Contexts of Stress: Strategies for Early Years Staff with Nicole Racine, PhD, CPysch Link to Register
  • Sessions and discussion will be in English, discussion group available in French if there are three or more participants requesting one.

Previous sessions

  • March 2, 2022: Attachment, facilitated by Kristina Scully, Youville Centre, download resources
  • May 25, 2022: Understanding Trauma, facilitated by Carmela Savoia, download resources and slides
  • Summer 2022: Fostering Physical Literacy, download booklet
  • September 21, 2022: Exploring the Circle of Security - A Relationship Based Parenting Program, facilitated by Joanne Boyd, Parent Resource Centre, download resources
  • October 25, 2022: – Simplifying the Journey for Youth and Families, to learn more visit
  • November 30, 2022: Working with Challenging Behaviours: Supporting Front-Line Service Providers, facilitated by Natasha So, Supervisor at Crossroads Children's Mental Health Centre, download resources and slides
  • February 28, 2023: Rewiring: From Reactivity to Responsivity, facilitated by Jessica Lemieux, RSW, Cultivation Therapy Services, download resources and slides
  • April 18, 2023, Panel: Parenting Programs in Ottawa: Learn about opportunities for the families you work with! Learn about parenting programs in Ottawa, including SafeCare, Buns in the Oven, Circle of Security, EarlyON, and more. Panelists: Kim Vandermeer, Somerset West Community Health Center; Katherine Gummeson, Family Services Ottawa; Carolyne Normand, Bethany Hope Centre; Brooke Talisman, St. Mary's Home; and Marine Noel et Louise Albert, Grandir Ensemble. Download resources and slides
  • May 16, 2023: Brain Story in Action, facilitated by Rachel Day, Bethany Hope Centre, download resources
  • September 27, 2023: Promoting Secure attachment, facilitated by Carolyne Normand, Bethany Hope Centre, download resources
  • October 25, 2023: Inclusion, facilitated by CISS staff, download resources
  • November 15, 2023: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) from the Inside Out, facilitated by Glory Ressler, Canadian Mothercraft Society, download resources
  • February 6, 2024: The Importance of Reciprocity in Communication and Development, facilitated by Cindy Harrison, ACT Learning, download resources
  • March 5, 2024: Colour Blind? Why Being 'Not Racist' Is Not Enough Anymore, facilitated by Aubrey Noronha, Hello Hope, resources only available to participants
  • April 16, 2024: Encourager un attachement sécurisant (Encouraging Secure Attachment), facilitated by Carolyne Normand, download resources
  • May 1, 2024: Newcomer Mental Health, facilitated by Azaad Kassam, download resources
  • Wednesday, September 18, 7 pm: Ask Masi 
  • Tuesday, October 1, 7 pm: Using Picture Books to Help Children Cope with Anxiety with Shoshana Magnet, PhD