Supporting Mental Health & Addiction

Mental Health is just as important as physical health, so we need to treat and support them the same. And getting support early can help us stay healthy or prevent challenges from getting worse. Talk to someone you trust or reach out to one of the organizations listed below. You can also support someone else just by listening and knowing about the resources available like the ones below.

Where to Start

If you are concerned about your mental health or someone else, speak to your health care provider or check out the Mental Health and Substance Use Resource List. For information about mental health about your infant, child or youth, please visit the Parenting in Ottawa mental health page

For urgent help:

Ask the Experts: Mental Health & Addictions Town Hall (recording)

Supporting Youth Mental Health

Do you, or a youth you care about, need support to feel better? The “Know What To Do Guide” is aimed at increasing awareness of, and navigation to, available mental health supports and resources for children and youth. There are different types of services that can help people get through difficult times. This guide makes it easy to find the support you need in one place.

The guide was created in collaboration with the following Kids Come First Health Team partners:

  • Ottawa Public Health
  • Suicide Prevention Ottawa
  • Ottawa Child & Youth Initiative
image of Know What to Do Guide
Know What To Do Guide (Bilingual)
Adobe Acrobat Document 187.0 KB

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