We provide a local platform for organizations to work together to guide and influence policy, systems, and practices aimed at nourishing positive and healthy development of children and youth in our community.
We are creating a database of our membership to help capture key contacts, organizational priorities, expertise, and areas of interest. This database will allow the Initiative to more effectively communicate potential funding opportunities to its membership.
Confirm your membership here.
If your organization is interested in becoming a member of the OCYI network, please contact info@growingupgreat.ca to learn more.
Membership to the OCYI network is open to all those that agree with our mandate and strategic priorities. Members of the Steering Committee and task groups are individuals and representatives from community organizations and networks who work with children, youth and their families and share the vision, mission and values of the OCYI.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Active and regular participation by member organizations is essential for the success of the collective work of OCYI.
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The Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario is our host organization, providing us with office space and administrative supports.
United Way East Ontario provides our backbone funding