Note: Steve Bell's term as OCYI Steering Committee co-chair ended March 2022.
- What is your name and title within your organization? Deputy Chief Steve Bell, Corporate Support Command, Ottawa Police Service
- What do you love about your organization and the work that it does? The fact that I work in an organization that provides service to our community, and that we get to help people who need our help at the time that they need help the most.
- Why are you a member of the OCYI Steering Committee? I worked in the youth support field prior to becoming a police officer and have focused on working with and supporting youth through my entire career. Now as a senior leader in the Ottawa Police Service, I am here to support and effect change to the systems that support, and sometimes fail, the youth in our community.
- What would you like to accomplish as Co-chair of the OCYI Steering Committee? Help to create a strong, vibrant, progressive committee that builds on the good things that our community does and identify areas where we can be better.
- Why do you think that the OCYI is important? OCYI brings together many different agencies that support youth to make sure we are all properly aligned, to bridge gaps and make sure we are providing the best support for our children and youth.
- Did you or your family ever benefit from community organizations when you were a child or youth? I don’t think that there is a child or youth in this city that doesn’t benefit from youth programming. My kids went to schools that had support from many different agencies, and were involved in community based youth programming that had OCYI member supports. The wraparound nature of our community youth supports means that there isn’t a child in Ottawa who doesn’t benefit from this initiative.
- What is your hope for children and youth in Ottawa? I hope that all children and youth in Ottawa have access to a city that is inclusive and supportive, that recognizes each of their individual needs, and provides supports to them, so that they can all reach the potential that they have.
This profile was featured in the September 2021 OCYI Ovation
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